A family-owned company, founded in 1947
Canals is a family-owned company, founded in 1947. Since its beginning in Martorell (Barcelona, Spain), the company has directed its efforts towards the innovation of the products. We have manufactured and marketed an enormous variety of goods, all of them related to the packaging and sealing processes of different sectors (crown cork, metal caps, aluminium caps, seals...).

Canals es una empresa familiar fundada en el año 1947. Ya desde sus inicios, en la población de Martorell (Barcelona – España), ha orientado sus esfuerzos en la innovación de productos, fabricando y comercializando multitud de artículos, todos ellos relacionados con el sector del envasado y precintado de diversos sectores (tapón corona, cápsulas metálicas, cápsulas de aluminio, precintos, entre otros.)
Since the late 80s, Canals has been strongly committed to the manufacture of tinfoil caps and shrink seals for different markets. Nowadays, it is a world-renowned manufacturer.

Up to this moment, Canals had focused mainly on the domestic market. From this year onwards, the company begins its internationalisation process by betting on both consolidated and emerging markets.
After years focusing on R&D&I, Canals launches the digital printed capsule onto the market, causing a true revolution and offering possibilities never before considered.

Since February 2017, Canals is part of the LAFITTE Group. This partnership has allowed us to double our production capacity at the plants in Martorell, Spain (Canals), as well as the plant in Toulouse, France (Coliege) and Santiago de Chile (Metalco).
Cumplimos 75 años de historia, hemos rendido un homenaje a todo nuestro equipo que a lo largo de estos años han aportado valor a nuestro crecimiento.